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A Digital Gallery Exhibit by Young Women’s Voices for Climate

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Are you hungry to change the planet?

Well you’re in luck!

Over the years, we have accumulated recipes anyone can use to create positive social & environmental change. When we say recipes, we don’t mean recipes in the traditional sense- although some of our recipes do incorporate actual food- many are guidelines which can be applied in many different aspects of your life. But they all share a common goal: to nourish & heal our planet.

Like any recipe, these can be expanded upon or enhanced to fit your lifestyle & goals. Feel free to substitute & personalize these recipes for optimal change! You can’t solve everything, but you can change something. We want to support you in your journey to help save our planet & we hope these recipes feed your passion & hope for a better future, as they have for us.

You may still be wondering: what do recipes and climate activism have to do with one another?

Food is the #1 Solution for Reversing Global Warming

By partnering with Project Drawdown, we are focusing our recipes on top climate solutions. According to Drawdown’s 2020 revised list of the top solutions for reversing global warming, Reduced Food Waste is the #1 solution and Plant-Rich Diet is #3. By adding the total CO2 and equivalent greenhouse gases reduced and by these two solutions, food is clearly the number one solution for reversing global warming!

So please, learn from these recipes, and make them your own! Together we can create a more delicious planet!

Thank you!

Young Women’s Voices for Climate

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About the Artists


Hi, my name is Uli I am a 14 year old. I was asked my favorite food but there are so many that it is hard to choose, but let's say romaine lettuce. I do ballet and climbing and I am currently learning the programming language, Python and a 3D visual platform, Blender. I speak for change because I am lucky enough to have a roof over my head, a mother with a steady income and a constant flow of avocados. I want to recognize that most people don’t and make a change


Hi! My name is Leela. I am a junior in highschool. I love making art, telling and reading stories and spending time with family and friends. I also greatly enjoy cooking and hikes. I speak for change because I care for the living creatures and beings that preside on this planet. We are not giving them a stable home like the ones they have provided us. I have been privileged with assortments of food and shelter, the production of which is beyond my comprehension and if I can find a way to give just a little back to the trees, leaves and beings I want to do so. I think that my favourite food is probably broccoli closely followed by cashews and mango.


Hi! My name is Lerato and I’m a junior in Highschool. I can’t say that I have a favorite food, but my favorite cuisine is Asian food. I am a huge fan of Pho and I also love Indian curries. But… then there’s desserts and that’s a whole different thing. My favorite desserts are probably bundt cake, and chocolate chip cookies. I am very passionate about music and enjoy playing the guitar. Most of what I do in my freetime is either listen to music and fantasize about being a producer, or look up songs to play on the guitar. I speak for change, because I think the best way to achieve it is by using your voice and encouraging others to as well. It’s so important to be able to use your voice and express your opinions, and in the long run, it seems to be the most effective way to gain confidence in yourself and impact others in a positive way.


Salutations comrades! My name is Finella (not Vanilla), and I’m a 17 year old high school student. I would like to start off by listing a few of my favourite foods for you: mango, avocado toast, avocado sushi, pomegranate, watermelon and tea (even though it’s not technically a food). I love climbing (my favourite place so far has been Moab, Utah), ice skating, doing any form of art, hanging out in my hot tub and most of all spending way too much time lying in my bed. I am also a strong believer that procrastinating is an art form, one which I happen to be very fond of. I speak for climate because I think that the earth is an important thing to care about. I have always been passionate about the environment because ever since I was a child my parents have dragged me on long camping trips (they both are avid climbers), and after many long hours of sitting in the hot sun at the base of the crag, I grew to appreciate my surroundings.


Hello, my name is Eliza. I’m 17 and a junior in High School. I don’t want to choose a favorite food but if I had to, if I really had to, if it were a life or death situation, favorite food or the aliens blow my head up, I think I would have to go with chocolate. Spicy hot chocolate is the absolute best thing and it makes me a less grouchy person. I enjoy going on hikes with my dog, reading, playing and listening to music, and watching trashy telenovelas. I speak for change because I want to see change, and how is that gonna happen if no one says or does anything. It helps me feel empowered and as though I have the ability to create a more positive future.


Hi guys, my name is Lola! I’m a dog person, my favorite color is dark green, I’m a junior in high school, and my favorite food is breakfast cereal. I love to read and write and do art. Storytelling is fascinating to me, and I love anything that makes me think about wider worlds or ideas. When I'm not trying to be the next Tolkein, I spend a lot of time climbing mountains, singing along to 2000s pop and going to the movies. I speak for change because I want to make a difference in this life. I love history, and if there’s one pattern that’s constantly being repeated, it’s that society is moved forwards by brave people with revolutionary ideas. To be a part of the climate movement is to be a part of history, and I’m lucky enough to have the ability to take part in it.


Hey there! My name is Sofie and I am a junior in High School. I can confidently say - after much deliberation - that my favorite food is ice cream. I mean, there are so many flavors you can never run out of options! In my free time I enjoy playing ultimate frisbee, reading, spending time at the Denver Art Museum, baking, and catching up on the newest movies. I speak for change because I want future generations to walk outside and see the sun shining, explore hidden trails abundant with wildflowers, and have the privilege of experiencing mother earth at her full potential.


Greetings! My name is Ting, I’m currently 14 years old and in 9th grade. I love food in general so if I have to pick a favorite food I’m going to pick the specific, fruit group. Apples, bananas, pears, etc. For hobbies I will say that I consider myself as lazy, a couch and a book can satisfy my needs. I also love climbing, indoors and out, as well as doodling for drawing, and hanging out with my parents(of course I do other stuff too). I do write a lot of poetry to try to help better comprehend the life I’m living and to connect with others. I speak for change because I have the opportunity to use my voice for others and my future. It makes me feel empowered to be heard and I know my voice will become stronger the more I use it.



Hello! My name is Olympia. I am a 17 and in 11th grade. When asked what my favorite food was, I immediately thought of pizza. Pizza has so much potential to be anything it wants to be. You can add whatever your heart desires! Besides enjoying pizza, I enjoy biking, knitting, embroidering, and cooking. I stay healthy and active by walking my dog or just doing a few exercises in between my online classes. I like to express myself through dying my hair, changing up my clothing style, and doing what makes me feel comfortable.

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Green “Dress”ing

During our first retreat fall of 2018, our group leader surprised us with a big bag full of green fabric. Our next project would be designing our own unique green dresses and choreographing a dance to the catchy song, What’s Climate Got to do With It, a parody of Tina Turner’s What’s Love Got to do With It. We would perform this number before Dr. Maria Ojala—professor of psychology at Örebro University in Sweden-- talk at the Sustainability Energy Environment Complex (SEEC) at CU Boulder, full of adults. This is useful to make a change because it’s a fun easy activity that brings people together and encourages others to make a change.

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You Are What You Eat! Veggie Bowls

As SPEAK’s very own snow pea and carrot we have had the pleasure to both entertain and teach kids (and grownups) just how important reducing food waste is in reversing climate change. By partnering with Project Drawdown we created fun and family-friendly skits. The simple act of dressing up in veggie costumes made us more approachable, interactive and memorable. We were goofy food loving vegetables afterall! We encourage you to use costumes to inspire change.

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A Peaceful Protest Pie

On the 20th of September, 2019 the majority of our group boycotted school to participate in a climate rally that was being held at CU in solidarity with the Fridays for the Future movement. We all wore handmade butterfly costumes which held personal meaning to us, for we believe that if a dove represents peace, a butterfly represents change. It felt very empowering to be able to stand up in front of a crowd of 500 people and speak about an issue that we are passionate about and impact each and every one of us. Our unity in coming together in a space for change allowed us to get to know our community better and feel more confident that in numbers we will grow as a force of change.

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Passionate Poem Potpie

On several occasions, our group has written and created poetry to help express ourselves. We have gone into nature separately to find a connection to the Earth and air in which we have written our own poems and then read them aloud together, each bringing new emotions and life to the discussions on using our voices for change. We have used words written on cardboard as the bases for creating poetry, involving words such as ‘world’, ‘change’, ‘pollution’, and ‘energy’. We have taken these words and facts and phrases to create beautiful art, one word having the capability of meaning something different in another’s voice. Through poetry, sometimes magic can happen, words that you can’t seem to force out of your mouth can tumble onto the page in an art form. Anyone can be a poet. You just need to be inspired.

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Plant-Based Recipes

On one of our group retreats, we each cooked different plant-based meals. Cooking plant-based meals is one of the top ways to reduce and reverse the impacts of global warming, and it’s also one of the easiest and most rewarding ways to make a difference. Though attending climate marches and using theater to bring light to global warming are very impactful, cooking and sharing food is a bonding experience that brings people together. Cooking plant-based meals build community, helps the environment and is a great stay-at-home activity. 

Along with our recipes for action, we also have compiled some plant-based recipes that you can use in your home today to start making a change on the environment!

Click on any image to download the recipe card


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The Pea-Podcast!


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Press and Contact

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